How Credit Works
Your credit is too important to be left in the hands of your creditors and the credit bureaus.

What Is Credit?
Your Credit is Your Financial Identity
As far as most creditors are concerned, the only thing they need to know about you before lending you money is your credit score. Credit Unlimited’s credit repair service will work to ensure that your credit score gives creditors the best possible impression of who you really are.
What Is A Credit Report?
Credit Reports Tell Your Credit Story
Credit reports are a history of your financial life. They tell the story of what you have done over the past 7 or more years. Credit repair gives you the opportunity to edit this biography by removing or correcting items that are telling the wrong story about you.
What Is A Credit Bureau?
Credit Bureaus Collect Your Financial Information
Currently, there are three main credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. They are simply for-profit corporations which aggregate and publish financial data and sell it to creditors, employers, insurance agents, and even back to you.